Parent's Support

"Parent Resources Shelf"


The school has a "Parents Resources Shelf", which adds different parent education resources every year.


To promote parent education and parent reading, our school officially launched the "Parents Resources Shelf" service on October 12, 2012. The service encourages parents to equip themselves through learning from different media, share knowledge with their children, and build a harmonious family. 


We welcome parents to visit the "Parents Resources shelf" in the lobby during opening hours. Parents can borrow different parent education media, storybooks, and teaching materials. The content includes DVDs, a "Bring Me A Book" storybook, parenting books (including personal character, upbringing, children picture books, and interests), and build spell materials. The administrator is a parent volunteer.


Borrowing Method: 


  1. Parents first select a set of books, DVDs, and teaching materials for the shelf. (Due to limited resources, each parent can only borrow one book and one teaching material at a time.)
  2. Show the pick-up card or student proof (for volunteers to write down the student's name) for registration.  
  3. When returning, please give it back to the on-duty volunteer for verification. 


Borrowing Date: 


The items can be borrowed for up to 2 weeks and can be renewed once.


Overdue Processing:


Those who fail to return on time will be fined $5 each time, and the school will donate the fines to charities. The administrator or staff will handle all the penalties. If you fail to return during opening hours, please return the books and overdue fines to the school reception as soon as possible. 




If there is any damage to the item, parents need to pay for the item's cost.  


Donation or Suggestions:


If parents would like to donate their books and DVDs, please contact the school social worker. If parents have good reads recommendations, they are welcome to contact the school social worker. 



“Parent Volunteer Service Development – Dorcas Volunteer Group”


In response to the "Volunteer Movement" of the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department, the school established a parent volunteer group: Dorcas Volunteer Group, in September 2006. 


In the Book of Acts of the Holy Bible, there is a blessed woman named Dorcas. "In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor." This school's parent group hopes to recruit a group of charitable parents to contribute their strength to the school and the community, create a better society, and bless the places in need.


Our mission is to encourage families to volunteer and do good deeds. The volunteer group has reached its 15th year in 2021. Up to 100 volunteers participate in our events each year. Looking back, participating parents get happier and meet a group of like-minded friends and still keep in touch after graduation. 


Every year, we recruit parents, hold volunteer work training, and organize different activities like visits to the elderly homes, school administrative work assistance, and family volunteer fun day. We aim to strengthen the family's enthusiasm and unity in doing good deeds. 


To quality for becoming a member, the parent should volunteer for up to one hour and serve with the right attitude - to give without expecting anything in return. Every qualified parent is given a volunteer hour record book to mark down the family volunteer hours, as the community volunteer reward program's recommendation. 


We hope that this kind of service will continue to be passed on in our community every year so that more people can feel loved and cared for. 




"School’s support to NCS children"

- Interpretation/translation services for interviews and primary one entrance lectures
- Arranging Chinese learning group.
- Cooperate with organizations to provide workshop for Parents of Non-Chinese Speaking Students